20 km for SOS

A solidarity challenge to support children in need all over the world.

How does it work?

From 1 to 30 June, take up the 20km for SOS Challenge.
Whether you like walking, cycling or running, the aim is the same: to cover 20 km and invite your family, friends or colleagues to sponsor you with a donation to help vulnerable children supported and cared for by SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde.

You have the whole month of June to take up the challenge, so don’t hesitate to split it up around your schedule!

Our slogan: #LeaveNoOneBehind

  • You like to take your time and enjoy the journey? Spread your 20km as you want: walk 6 km one weekend then 4 the next and end up with 10 km.
  • Sports is a second nature for you? Then you can tackle your 20km in one go.
  • You want to enjoy this challenge with your family? Choose to walk, run, bike these 20 km all together.

You decide what works best, you set up your own challenge!

Who do we support?

SOS Villages d’Enfants monde runs various projects to help children and families who are facing major crisis over the five continents. You want to know more about these projects, go check here.


Start a fundraiser directly through our page on www.givengain.com, by clicking on “Start fundraising”

2. Log in to the platform using an email adress, or your Google or Facebook details.

3. Highlight your great initiative! Your fundraising page can be modified at will. You can add photos, a logo, publish messages or a short note at each new stage… When you're happy with the result, click on ‘Make it Live’.

4. Congratulations! Your page is online. You can now share the link to this page with all your friends, family and colleagues and tell them about the great project you're taking part in.

Your supporters can make a donation in just a few clicks on the page. All the funds raised will go directly to our association, even if you don't reach your target.

If any help is needed, do not hesitate in contacting Lisa Forrler. She will gladly help you with your campaign.

Contact :
Lisa Forrler
Fundraising & Communication Department

Because no child should grow up alone


Ready to go? Do not forget to download your participant kit!
By clicking on the download button above, you will receive a media kit you can use to share your engagement on social media, a participant identification that you can print and stick on your T-shirt when you go out to complete your kilometres and a trophy to celebrate the accomplishment of your challenge.
Don't hesitate to share your pictures with us on social media! Good luck!

Support the association


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