Transparency and finances

SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde is committed to guarantee prudent and rigorous management of its funds and projects.

Sound financial management

Internal control tools ensure the transparency and accuracy of financial flows as well as revenues and expenses, which therefore remain in line with the budget previously granted by the Board of Directors. SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde is also a founding member of the non-profit association “Don en confiance”.

The association’s accounts, drawn up in accordance with Luxembourg legal and statutory provisions and generally accepted accounting practices in the non-governmental organisations sector, are audited annually by an independent auditor. According to the audit report of Horus Audit & Associés S. à r.l., the 2023 accounts of SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde provide a true, fair and accurate view of the assets and financial situation of the association.

A good management of our projects:

Our project managers ensure the direct follow-up and control of the projects implemented by our partner associations in the field, which are also subject to an annual financial audit. These ad hoc missions are intended to verify that our donors’ money has been put to good use and that the results obtained are in line with the initial project. Several of our projects have benefited from co-financing granted by the Development Cooperation Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This trust requires rigorous monitoring of expenditures and the submission of regular reports describing the progress of projects.

Our activity reports →

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