Who are we ?

A non-governmental organization serving the most vulnerable children and families in the world, SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde is a benchmark player in Luxembourg and in the countries where it works in matters of human rights and child protection. It is placed under the High Patronage of HRH the Grand Duchess and benefits from the support of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and other public entities. It is a member of the SOS Children’s Villages International federation.

Since 1974, SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde has been involved in Luxembourg for the care, well-being and development of children around the world. It does this by informing public opinion, collecting and managing funds, implementing development programs, supporting emergency aid and rehabilitation programs and providing technical expertise. In addition, it raises awareness of sustainable development and global citizenship and does advocacy work.

It can count on its public and private partners, its donors, its sponsors (committed in more than 100 countries) and its volunteers. In 2024, SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde supported 25 projects that benefited more than 55,000 children, teenagers and adults in 16 countries and territories.

SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde Luxembourg a.s.b.l. 

Founded in Luxembourg in 1974, under the name of SOS-Interfonds, our association was born from the will of the Luxembourger Marcel Nilles, supported by Barbara François and Hermann Gmeiner (the founder of the first SOS Villages d’Enfants in Imst in Austria), to smile again and offer a better future to orphaned, abandoned or distressed children around the world. The association’s mission is therefore to support the actions of SOS Villages d’Enfants around the world and in particular to participate in the construction of SOS Villages d’Enfants to allow children deprived of any family ties, and who have often experienced the worst, to find a warm home and stable landmarks.

In 1986, the association became an NGO. In 2005, it adopted the name SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde. She takes the path of development and embarks on ambitious family strengthening programs to prevent child abandonment and strengthen biological families. In 2010, a department dedicated to Children’s Rights has been created. Its projects will never stop evolving to meet new needs and new emergencies around the world.

Involved today in projects with a social, educational or environmental dimension, it is engaged in long-term development programs centered on the protection and rights of the child, community dynamics and social cohesion, in South Africa. ‘West (Guinea, Benin, Niger, Senegal) and Uzbekistan and is supported by the Ministry of foreign and european Affairs (Directorate for Development Cooperation).

In the field of emergency, it is mobilized over the long term, where conflicts, natural disasters and major crises (refugee crisis, climate crisis, food crisis) endanger the lives of children and their communities, to protect them and then allow them to rebuild and strengthen their resilience.

SOS Children’s Villages International

As an independent, non-governmental social development organization, SOS Children’s Villages International works in the field of children’s rights and in the service of children who have lost or are at risk of losing parental care.

Established following the opening in 1949 of an SOS Villages d’Enfants in Austria, the federation brings together 140 associations around the world.

SOS Children’s Villages International works in the best interests of the child by referring to the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. (LINK TO THE DIFFERENT DOCUMENTS)

In 75 years, it has supported millions children and teenagers. Its priority is to strengthen families to prevent separation, but when this is not possible, she seeks the best alternative care for the child.


(family and community strengthening)


children, young people
and adults
(emergency aid)


and young people
(alternative care)

It aims to guarantee their protection, well-being and development, defends their rights, and is committed to make them become independent, responsible and active citizen in their community. It is mobilizing for the improvement of national child and family protection systems and for governments to fulfill their obligations in terms of respect for the rights of the child.

Present in more than 130 countries and territories with 2,900 programs, it helps more than 550,000 beneficiaries (family and community strengthening), 1,385,000 children, young people and adults (emergency aid) and 69,000 children and young people (alternative care).

Principles and values

The principles and values ​​of SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde join those of SOS Children’s Villages International, for which every child must have a place in a family and grow up with love, respect and safety.

Courage, commitment, trust and responsibility are the values ​​associated with our approach. Respect, integrity, transparency and rigor are the principles that guide our actions. We ensure that gender equality and environmental and social responsibility are respected.

The best interests of the child

An absolute that guides our responses to guarantee their protection and rights. Our work is based on the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and the United Nations Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children.

No child should grow up alone

A goal that mobilizes us so that every child who has lost or is at risk of losing parental care can grow up in a caring family environment with everything he or she needs.

Each child must be recognized and listened to

A commitment to children. We support them in asserting their rights, strengthen their voice in decisions that affect their lives and support them on the path to independence.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

A guide to end poverty and inequality, eliminate violence against children, ensure that no one is left behind and build a peaceful, equitable and sustainable world.

Photo « Qui sommes nous » – © Nina Ruud

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