Support us

Carrying out large-scale projects, in a long term vision, would not be possible without the faithful support of our donors, partners, godmothers and sponsors, volunteers … Join the great family of SOS Friends and together let’s build a better world for kids.

There are plenty of ways to support our association. We are at your disposal to talk about it. Contact us and together create new links in favor of children’s cause.

Every donation in the favour of children will be received with gratitude

Banque Internationale à Luxembourg
BIC BILL LULL       IBAN LU10 0024 1560 4780 0000


A sponsorship is a commitment to make regular donations to support children from the SOS Children Villages on a long-term basis.

Become a volunteer

A volunteer is a collaborator in his own right, he or she helps us on a voluntary basis without a financial compensation. He lightens our tasks, allows us to move forward, brings us his savoir-faire and helps us keep a smile even in the most difficult times.

Photo « Nous Soutenir » – © Claire Ladavicius

Support the association


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