We are very grateful for your support in enabling the lives of thousands of neglected and destitute children to be improved. If you do not support us yet or if you want to get more involved, discover below the different possibilities available to you.
Make your donation online:
Online donations are made by credit card. As our payment system is secured by Stripe, your data will be treated securely and confidentially.
Make your donation with DIGICASH:
Make a donation with DIGICASH in all simplicity and safety! Scan this Digicash QR Code, indicate the amount of your donation and validate your transaction using your PIN code.
Make your donation by bank transfer:
If you wish, you can make your donation by bank transfer to one of our accounts below:
Banque Internationale à Luxembourg : IBAN LU10 0024 1560 4780 0000 / BIC BILL LULL
POST Luxembourg : IBAN LU65 1111 0050 0053 0000 / BIC CCPL LULL
Banque et Caisse d’Épargne de l’État : IBAN LU92 0019 1000 6675 7000 / BIC BCEE LULL
BGL BNP Paribas : IBAN LU46 0030 5796 7032 0000 / BIC BGLL LULL
Banque de Luxembourg : IBAN LU60 0081 5730 1200 1003 / BIC BLUX LULL
Become a regular donor through a standing order:
You can become a regular donor, and sustainably support our projects and the children you support around the world, without impacting your budget. All you have to do is establish a standing order, of the amount of your choice, in favour of our association.
You can change or cancel your standing order at any time, by simply contacting your banking institution.
To become a regular donor, simply download and fill out the standing order form below and give it to your banking institution.
You can also set up your standing order via your banking applications, by mentioning in your communication: OP SOSVEM
Tax deductibility:
Your monthly donations are tax deductible. Your tax receipt, allowing you to deduct your contributions from your taxes, will be sent to you by SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde at the end of February N+1. If you have any questions about your tax certificate, please contact our secretariat by email or phone.
Confidentiality of your data:
Les données personnelles collectées par le biais de votre don, font l’objet de traitements destinés uniquement à notre a The personal data collected through your donation, are subject to processing intended solely for our association in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation. In particular, you have the right to access, rectify, port and delete them or to limit their processing.
For more information click here
Photo « Don » – © Giti Carli Moen