Education in emergency situations: a safe place for students in Central African Republic
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Responding to the emergency: a priority!
Integrated project to support the resilience of vulnerable internally displaced and host populations following the Central African crisis.
The Central African Republic is one of the poorest countries in the world, with a forgotten humanitarian crisis. Serious human rights violations persist. The violence endangers the lives of children who lack everything in this country where inequalities are enormous and where the civil war (from 2013) has greatly deteriorated basic social services.
In response to this situation, SOS Villages d’Enfants and its partners have launched an integrated education and protection project focused on providing the most vulnerable children, victims of the consequences of this political crisis, with enhanced and continuous access to quality education in a safe, protective, balanced and inclusive environment.
The project aims to contribute to the improvement of the learning conditions of internally displaced children and host communities, all of whom are affected by the consequences of the Central African crisis, through improved access to quality education in a safe, protective and inclusive pedagogical environment. The project also aims to build the resilience of families and communities to ensure that they are able to protect and meet the basic needs of children.
In May 2022, the project was extended for a further 3 years to continue supporting children in the Central African Republic by consolidating the achievements of the project implemented at Kokoro II school between autumn 2020 and spring 2022, while extending its action to the pupils of Kokoro I school.
October 2020 – March 2022 (Phase 1)
May 2022 – April 2025 (Phase 2)
Phase 1:
5.000 pupils, including 2.085 vulnerable girls, students of the Kokoro II school.
2,070 of these pupils who receive special support for their studies: home follow-up, tutoring courses and provision of school kits
36 members of the teaching staff, including 22 women
15 members of the Community Child Protection Network, including 10 women, and 10 members of the Association des Parents d’Elèves, including 3 women
5 psychosocial workers and 4 school support workers.
Phase 2:
5,200 direct beneficiaries including :
- 3,500 students
- 450 girls and teenagers
- 1,100 parents of students
The objective of this project is to contribute to a better protection of rights and to the improvement of the learning conditions of girls and boys in the Kokoro II school located in the south-west of the capital, Bangui.
The main activities of this project were the renovation and construction of classrooms, latrines and a fence around the drinking water point and the school grounds. This work aimed to improve the safety of the premises, strengthen the capacities of teachers, raise parents’ awareness of better education and the protection of children, and fight against the Covid-19 pandemic and to strengthen community mechanisms for the protection of children.
To help build a community in which children are protected and enjoy their basic rights through the actions of strong community structures and the building of resilient parents who are autonomously able to ensure the protection of children and take care of their basic needs. Important work is carried out in the two schools (Kokoro I and Kokoro II) and in the community/state child protection structures (58 teachers, 20 members of the APE, 31 members of RECOPE, 40 members of Children’s Clubs)
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