You can designate SOS Villages d'Enfants Monde as the beneficiary, in whole or in part, of your life insurance by entering the name and contact details of the association in the beneficiary clause. All you have to do is notify the insurance company or the bank of your wish to take out a life insurance contract or to modify the beneficiary clause of your contract, specifying the name and address of the association: SOS VILLAGES D'ENFANTS MONDE, 3, rue du Fort Bourbon, L-1249 Luxembourg, RC1431. Throughout your life, you will be able to dispose of your savings in complete freedom. It is not until your death that the insurance company will return the funds to the association.
Unlike a will, a donation involves the immediate transfer of a sum of money or real estate, for example. The donation is an official act. It must be signed in front of a notary but before signing it, it is necessary to seek the advice of his notary to prepare it. You can donate all kinds of goods, rights or values ​​during your lifetime (sum of money, portfolio of securities, works of art, apartment, house, land, etc.). The paperwork is straightforward and your donation can immediately benefit children.
Icône de validation par la communauté
In the occasion of an inheritance to which you are the heir, you can make a donation to SOS Villages d'Enfants Monde of property appearing in the assets of the succession (movable or immovable property). This donation is deducted from the base for calculating inheritance tax and allows you to reduce your taxation. 
From now on, you can anticipate the transmission of your property in favor of the children and provide for a bequest by will. Our association is authorized to receive all types of goods: movable goods (including financial assets - accounts, securities, etc.) and real estate.

Throughout your life, you will be able to amend or supplement this will. There are two common forms: the authentic will (you dictate your will to a notary, in the presence of two witnesses, or to two notaries) or the holograph will (the handwritten will is entirely written, dated and signed by your hand, without the intervention of a notary). Whatever form you choose, it is recommended that you seek advice from a notary. It is possible to bequeath all or part of its heritage to SOS Children's Villages World.

As a godfather/godmother, your sponsorship contribution goes towards covering the living costs of ALL the children in an SOS Children’s Village and not to a particular child.

You’re also financing SOS Children’s Villages supporting facilities such as SOS kindergartens, SOS Hermann Gmeiner Schools, SOS social centres and SOS medical centres.

In addition, your contributions may go to helping support a SOS family strengthening programme. These programmes help struggling families in the community, as a mean to prevent family breakdown and child abandonment.

When you choose to sponsor a Village, you contribute towards the support of all the children living at this SOS Children’s Village by helping to meet their collective their daily needs, and guarantee that they receive quality medical care and education.

Your donation is used to help cover the running costs of the SOS Children’s Village including the maintenance of the houses, new acquisitions (e.g. furniture, household and other appliances, etc.) and salaries of the staff.

As a village sponsor, you will also contribute to support the SOS facilities that are based around the SOS Children’s Village itself. These can be SOS Kindergartens, SOS Hermann Gmeiner Schools, vocational training centres, social centres, medical centres etc. These facilities are not only intended to children and youths living in our villages, but also to the local community.

There are an estimated 140 million orphaned children around the world. Children who have lost everything. When you sponsor a child, you are helping give one of these orphaned or abandoned children a family and a future.

Each sponsorship goes towards raising an individual child, so your sponsorship goes directly to the upbringing of your sponsored child. Your support will help us to give an orphaned, abandoned, or vulnerable child a loving family, where he will have the chance to grow up in a stable and loving environment. With your child sponsorship, you are directly contributing to the costs of raising the child you are sponsoring.

That means you’re providing food, clothing, parental care, housing, education, healthcare and all things needed for a happy and healthy childhood.

Thank you for helping us make a difference in his/her life in the long term!

I make a donation to SOSVE by going on their website.


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