
Can I visit the SOS Children’s Village or the child I support?

Published on 2.10.2020
Visitors are welcome in SOS Children's Villages.

Seeing for yourself the impact of your engagement is a rewarding experience.

To ensure that your visit is a success, please inform us at least two months in advance so that we can provide you with the visitor's guide. The guide must be completed and signed, and you will be asked to produce police reports 3 and 5.

Visiting the village is only possible in the company of an SOS employee who must make himself available to accompany you, so it is necessary to make an appointment beforehand.

The supported child is never left alone in the company of the godfather or godmother who wants to get to know him.

At any time, the child can choose not to meet you, but the visit to the village will still be guaranteed.

An SOS employee must make himself available to act as an interpreter and guide for visitors, so it is necessary to make an appointment in advance.


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