
Support for communities in Abomey-Calavi

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The rights of the child and the adolescent at the heart of the programmes in Benin!

While the PACOPEs are fundamentally concerned with the rights of the child, particularly the rights of protection, they also address the rights of adolescents and young people. They aim to mobilise families, communities, civil society actors, state actors and public authorities to work together in favour of these rights.

“The enjoyment of rights by children, adolescents and young people and their protection are improved in accordance with national policies in this area implemented at different levels of intervention by the actors who bear the responsibility (States, communities/civil society, families, children). To achieve this, it will be necessary to improve the care and protection of children/adolescents in stable biological or foster families, and to ensure their access to social services.

In addition, young people (15-24 years old) need to be supported towards independent adult life and employment through vocational training and socio-economic integration, by promoting the development of life and work skills.


2022 – 2026


300 families with 1,400 children/adolescents and 100 young people in 18 neighbourhoods of Abomey-Calavi and Parakou


To enable parents to parent fully and autonomously in a community that supports respect for children’s rights.

carte du Bénin


Community structures made up of children, adolescents and adults promote collective awareness of child protection and well-being and mobilise resources to support vulnerable children and their families.

They regularly organise awareness-raising activities for adults and children.

In Benin, there are

Child Protection Committees
Children’s Clubs
Village Savings and Credit Associations

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All donations to SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde are tax deductible within the limits set by article 109, paragraph 1, n°3 of the income tax law.

Support for communities in Abomey-Calavi


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