An integrated health and nutrition service for people suffering from malnutrition, with particular focus on young children and pregnant or breast-feeding women.

In the north of the country, the Amhara region has been hard hit by a serious humanitarian crisis linked to the terrible conflict that has raged for two years in and around the neighbouring region of Tigray, causing massive population displacements. It is also suffering the direct consequences of the extreme drought that has been affecting Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa in general for years. In 2023, malnutrition continues to rise alarmingly in the Amhara region, particularly in the North Wollo area.
Since the beginning of the year, with the support of the MAEE, we have been supporting an emergency intervention by SOS Children’s Villages in Ethiopia and its partners (the local association Tesfa Berhan Child and Family Development Organization and the government authorities) in the woredas (districts) of Gazo and Angot. The aim is to provide an integrated health and nutrition service for vulnerable people suffering from malnutrition, with priority given to young children and pregnant or breast-feeding women.
1 January 2023 – 31 December 2023
Direct beneficiaries: 19,946 / Indirect beneficiaries: 145,623
The project is aimed primarily at children under 5 and pregnant or breast-feeding women.
- 10,851 children under 5 suffering from moderate acute malnutrition
- 605 children under 5 suffering from severe acute malnutrition
- 2,756 malnourished pregnant or breast-feeding women
- 5,734 beneficiaries of supplementary food (children under 5, pregnant or breast-feeding women)
Support for therapeutic nutritional treatment in health centres to help gradually reduce malnutrition rates and morbidity and mortality rates. In this way, community health volunteers will have their capacities strengthened to ensure that their communities are aware of “where, when and how” to access health, nutrition and vital assistance.
The project has three main aims:
- Improve access to treatment and management of acute malnutrition in children under 5 and pregnant and breastfeeding women.
- Increase coverage of services to prevent acute malnutrition in women and children through a supplementary feeding programme. Increase, through a multi-sectoral response, the protection, promotion and support of appropriate feeding practices for mothers, infants and young children.
- Strengthen the capacity of the local health system, including mechanisms for coordination, early warning, monitoring of the nutritional situation and planning for preparedness and response to nutritional emergencies.
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All donations to SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde Luxembourg are tax-deductible within the limits set by article 109, paragraph 1, n°3 of the income tax law.