
Our annual report 2023 is here!

Published on 21.05.2024

Annual Report 2023 of SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde
More than 60,000 children and adults supported

The Board of Directors and members of SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde met on May 16th for their General Assembly. A presentation has been made regarding the annual report and accounts for the year 2023 that were audited and approved by the independent auditor Horus Audit & Associés S. à r.l. The outcomes are encouraging. President Anouk Agnes and Managing Director Sophie Glesener thanked sponsors, donors, partners and volunteers. In 2023, SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde raised €7,952,634 in public and private funds. This sum includes contributions from the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (3.05 million euros in funds under management, representing a 6.1% increase compared to 2022) and municipalities. Furthermore, funds of foundations, sponsors (1.54 million euros) through 3,941 sponsorships (children and SOS Villages in 104 countries), donors and private partners, as well as legacies and inheritances. The association has been able to count on the generosity of 166 companies, 50 organisations, 30 public institutions, and 5 foundations. It has thus been able to finance 24 projects in 14 countries to support 60,000 children, young people, and adults, as well as 10,000 other direct beneficiaries and community and state actors.

Together, let’s stay mobilized for the children of the world! Thank you for your faithful commitment and for your indispensable support!

Enjoy your reading!


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