

War in Ukraine: SOS Children’s Villages 2022 review and 2023 actions

285,000 children and adults supported In response to the war, by the end of 2022, SOS Children’s Villages had supported some 285,000 people in Ukraine (125,000 direct beneficiaries, including 74,000 children) and in around 15 countries hosting refugees in Europe (11,300 direct beneficiaries). From Luxembourg, SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde, thanks to its generous donors, has […]

Safe in Brovary

« Je dis au personnel des villages d’enfants SOS qu’il m’étonne, car nous n’avons jamais eu autant de soutien », déclare Valentyna Chernyuk, mère d’accueil de quatre enfants de la région de Kherson, qui vit désormais dans le village d’enfants SOS de Brovary. Toute sa vie, Valentyna, 44 ans, s’est occupée de son ménage, de son potager, […]


Families from Ukraine to Poland, one year on

On 27 February 2022, the first group of foster families from SOS Children’s Villages in Ukraine crossed the border into Poland. Humanitarian action teams in both countries worked around the clock to organize the evacuation. A year later, 124 children and 42 foster parents are living in SOS Children’s Villages across Poland. Over 1.5 million […]


Education, a priority!

The theme of the fifth International Education Day is “Investing in people, making education a priority”. As the international community reaches the halfway point of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals in 2023, it is clear that their achievement has been hampered by the Covid-19. But education remains a strong lever for accelerating progress in many […]


Dignity, freedom, justice

“We are all born free and equal in dignity and rights”, as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted in 1948 by the United Nations General Assembly. Two years later, a Human Rights Day was included in the international community’s calendar, and has been celebrated every 10 December since then. The theme of […]


World Children’s Day

20 November marks the anniversary of the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which highlights children as rights holders. This Day is an opportunity for us to call on governments to renew their commitment to children’s rights and to recall that every child, especially those deprived of parental care or at risk […]


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