“Our World, Our Dignity, Our Future” is a joint workshop of the GEDEV (Education towards Development group) currently comprised of nine Luxemburgish NGOs.
The workshop includes joint activities, as well as “mini-workshops” in small groups.
The workshop revolves around the Agenda 2030, the United Nations plans for worldwide sustainable development and through an interactive approach, firstly invites to think about out own current lifestyle. Secondly, we make links with the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and initiate the students to the Agenda 2030. In smaller groups, the students will learn more specifically about one of the 17 SDGs and will get together for one last hour of presentation about various themes addressed during the mini-workshops.
The individual activities are adapted according to age, therefore are suitable for different age groups.
On request of the academic establishment, we can also suggest a continuation of our workshops by initiating a project in small groups that the students can follow within the scope of a school course. Of course, we will remain available to insure the supervision of this project.
*The following NGOs are currently involved: ASTM, Caritas Luxembourg, Chrétiens pour le Sahel, Comité pour une Paix Juste au Proche-Orient, Fondation Follereau Luxembourg, Frères des Hommes, Kindernothilfe Luxembourg, OTM Haïti, SOS villages d’Enfants Monde.